Billericay Educational Trust Grant Application Process
Firstly, where do I live and what is my age? If it is within six miles of the centre of Billericay and you will be under 25 years of age on the 1st of September in the year of the application, then the Trustees can consider your claim.
Secondly, what is the application for? The Trustees can make awards for:-
- University or College Education.
- Vocational Grants for help to enter a Trade or Profession.
- Travel grants in furtherance of Education.
- Recreational grants for recreation and social and physical training not provided by a Local Educational authority.
- Cultural Grants to enable beneficiaries to study Music or other Arts.
Thirdly, what are the financial circumstances of your parents? This has
to be taken into account and the information will be treated with the
strictest confidence. Furthermore the Trustees are aware that other factors
do have to be considered - such the expense of a particular course and/or
the opportunity to earn money for yourself - before any decision is made.
(If your parents wish, this part of the application form may be sent separately
to the Clerk).
The trust deeds simply say ‘the Trustees are to make grants to those persons who are, in the opinion of the Trustees, in need of financial assistance’.
Fourthly, the timing of the Application. The Awards Committee of the Trustees
meet in early July each year to consider the applications and to make
Form is to be received by 1st June 2020 & submitted to Ms M Gordea (at Billericay School) or attached to an email addressed to 'mgordea@billericayschool.com'.
'Application forms
received after 1st June 2020 may not be considered'.
After downloading the Application Form to your PC, you will be able to complete this via your PC using 'save & print'
Alternatively you are able to print and complete by pen prior to posting.
Fifthly, the review procedure. Sometime in late June or early July all applicants will be invited to an informal meeting with members of the Awards Committee. This meeting will take the form of a conversation regarding their application, their future plans and background information about themselves, to give the Trustees a better feeling for the person behind the application form.
Then in late July, after the Awards Committee have m et, the Clerk will
write to all applicants letting them know whether they have been successful
and what level of grant they might be receiving.
Once an award has been made further consideration will automatically be
given by the trustees each year for the duration of the course. Please
note, however, that awards are made on an annual basis, taking into account
the funds available and the number of qualifying applicants. There is
therefore no guarantee that the amount awarded initially will be the same
in subsequent years.