Fund Raising

As with most Charities, funds available are always ‘less than desirable’ and the Foundation is in this position. Accordingly, we seek donations, large or small, from interested sources. We do, of course, take active steps in this regard and, for example; will take part in the Billericay Fun Walk this year, using it as a vehicle to highlight our charity and to encourage donations from Billericay society. We are also asking the recipients of grants from the charity to take an active role in this regard, so that we can maximise the fund raising effort.
We intend to solicit legacies by asking the local solicitors to draw potential donors to our cause when people draw up their wills.
If you are interested in this aspect of our work and are prepared to consider giving us a donation or leaving the Foundation a legacy, please let the Chairman know by emailing us: chairman@billericayeducationaltrust.co.uk and we will be pleased to visit you to discuss this matter on a personal basis if you so require.